Storage tanks – CLC POWER - BANGLADESH
MAISHA GROUP, located in the centre of the capital city of Dhaka, is a large Bangladeshi consortium
active in power generation (through CLC POWER Cy. Ltd.), real estate, property development and
other infrastructure projects like expressways and Bus Rapid Transit (www.maishagroup.com).
In 2018, after consultation of 4D Construction and Consultancy, they decided to completely
refurbish the steel structures of a 1st power plant, the 108 MW WASHPUR diesel power station
(Keranigonj, Dhaka), and awarded the contract to ZINGAMETALL (Bangladesh) (www.zinga.bd).
The total surface involved for the repairs of this WASHPUR power station was 5,143 m² and it
concerned 12 Fuel oil, Lub oil and Water tanks, stairs, parapets and pipes.