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Storage tanks – CLC POWER - BANGLADESH

  • Rafiqul Sumon


MAISHA GROUP, located in the centre of the capital city of Dhaka, is a large Bangladeshi consortium active in power generation (through CLC POWER Cy. Ltd.), real estate, property development and other infrastructure projects like expressways and Bus Rapid Transit ( In 2018, after consultation of 4D Construction and Consultancy, they decided to completely refurbish the steel structures of a 1st power plant, the 108 MW WASHPUR diesel power station (Keranigonj, Dhaka), and awarded the contract to ZINGAMETALL (Bangladesh) ( The total surface involved for the repairs of this WASHPUR power station was 5,143 m² and it concerned 12 Fuel oil, Lub oil and Water tanks, stairs, parapets and pipes.


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